30th Annual CDE Conference, Paris, June 23-26, 2022 - “Theatre and the City”

30th Annual CDE Conference, Paris, June 23-26, 2022 - “Theatre and the City”

For all the updated information about the conference,

please visit https://cde2022paris.radac.fr/cde2022/

30th Annual CDE Conference, Paris, June 23-26, 2022

The German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE) is pleased to announce its 30th Annual Conference (June 23-26, 2022). It is organized by RADAC and the University of Avignon, Le Mans and Gustave Eiffel and will be held at the Cité Internationale in Paris.

Theatre and the City”

As the role of traditional theatre spaces in the city has declined, the city has emerged as a performance space in and of itself. While often facilitating the creative empowerment of entire communities, this conflation of theatre spaces and the enhanced performativity of city life also inevitably implicates theatrical practices in the systemic injustices of urban architectures and their dramaturgies. This conference invites investigations into all aspects of how contemporary Anglophone theatre and performance reflects, resists, and interacts with the city.

With the percentage of the world’s urban population soaring past the 50 percent mark, the complexities and inequalities of city ecologies are at the forefront of our social dilemmas. The increasing popularity of the site-specific and the participatory indicates a distinct shift in the politics of theatre, notably in how its urban demographics are constituted. Such innovations seem particularly relevant to contemporary Anglophone theatre that has witnessed a proliferation of genres and techniques operating an exodus from the theatre building. Contemporary performances have developed in and outside of designated theatre spaces since the 1960s, invading city roof-tops and other urban spaces to meet its audiences. Yet the city has also re-entered theatre by way of elaborate staging (immersive sets) and dramaturgies. As these practices keep evolving, theatre and the city continue to transform one another.

Hybrid forms have thrived by mixing technology with ambulatory theatrical explorations, re-engaging with earlier dramaturgical traditions. Playwrights have explored cities as processes, forming a complex urban landscape throughout national territories exploring the difficulties of urban communities, from segregation to the death of the working class and developing new voices to convey these plights.

Tracking all these changes is at the heart of this conference in order to investigate how theatre and the city are productively embroiled and how contemporary Anglophone theatre has redefined the rich and complex meanings of urbanity, blurring borders between centre and periphery, street and stage, performer and spectator. How, then, are urban theatrical communities created today in the context of global and cosmopolitan cities? How do the walls of both cities and theatres rise and fall in today’s theatrical practices?


For all the updated information about the conference,

please visit https://cde2022paris.radac.fr/cde2022/














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